
Sunday, October 9, 2011

I'm Back!

Hello friends! Thanks for those who left me messages and send me emails. Finally I'm back to blog. We were so busy welcoming our little girl to our family. I was away for good reasons, don't worry. I'm fine. :)

My baby girl is 2 months old now. With her around, I can hardly spend time to dish up my home cooked food, what's more to photograph it. I don't mean to quit cooking and blogging. My passion in cooking will never die. Just for the time being, I stick to simple food that is cooked in slow cooker. I rely on slow cooker to prepare a pasta sauce, meat sauce, and soups. 

I'll share some simple cooking. Hopefully I'm able to capture some food photos over the weekend. 


  1. Welcome back! So happy to see you again :) Rest well and hope to see your baby girl soon :)

  2. congrats!
    No wonder MIA la.. it's really a very good reason.

  3. Hey congrats & welcome back

    You're a mum now :) & MIA for good reason

  4. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so pleased to see your news ;) Take care and can't wait for your new recipes and posts.

  5. Welcome back, and congratulations for your bundle of joy :)


    A Single Girl's Musings

  6. Welcome back and congratulations!!

  7. welcome back! take good care of yourself =D

  8. Welcome back. :) Waiting to see your family photo soon, hehe.

  9. I am indeed very happy for you, buddy!!!

    Enjoy this moment... this motherhood!

  10. Congrats and welcome back! Take your time and enjoy : )!

  11. Congrats! I was wondering what happened to you when you never updated your blog for a while. It's really good to hear back from you and with such lovely news of happiness. Take good care :)

  12. Welcome back dear! And congratulations on your new family member. She must be an angel. Mine already are both teenagers. haha.... See, how time flies!
    Take care & enjoy life.
    Best wishes,

  13. congratulations, this is really wonderful news. I like slow cooker food, look forward to them. take care! :)

  14. Enjoy motherhood, it's a journey well worth taking, looking forward to seeing you and your girl (I occasionally see your hubby in the market except for both of you) :)


Hello food lover(s), thanks for putting up your comments.