"Only hardworking people get the chance to taste homecooked food at the lowest price". Agree? How many of us will buy these tiny fishes, averagely with 2" body length from the wet market? And how many of us will take our time to cut, merinate and cook these tiny fishes? It's a tremendous process if one doesn't master the skill. Although a kilo of this tiny fish just cost a few ringgits, but I'll just surrender by looking at the processes. Especially the cutting process, which is very time consuming.
Oh yes, by the way, I'm not too sure what is the name of this fish. We just called it "Pek To Kang" in Hokkien. If really want to translate into English, I will call it Little White Tummy Fish. :) The fish is in very attractive shinny-white color.
To cook this dish, first you have to cut and clean the head and stomach of these little fishes. Then merinate the fishes with turnmeric powder, pepper and sea salt for about 30 minutes. After that, get the fishes coated with a layer of corn starch and deep fry in the hot boiling oil till golden brown.
To eat the fish, you just need to remove the centre bones like this.
I finished up the whole plate on my own. :) Mom specially kept some for me.