
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Spinach and Meat Porridge

This is a scheduled post.
A good way to add iron to baby’s diet is by feeding her spinach. The iron content in this green leafy vegetable is the richest among the others. From the info I got from a program, a newborn baby is having iron in her body through her mother. The iron will be used up for red blood cell production by the time the baby is 6M. So, it’s necessary to add this element to baby’s diet after you start feeding baby solid food since the source of iron in infant formula is no longer able to fulfill her needs. 

Spinach and Meat Porridge 

1 tbsp of white rice, rinsed
1 tbsp of millet, rinsed
5 pieces of soft lean pork (you can substitute it with another type of red meat or white meat)
spinach, chopped
200ml hot boiling water

1. Put all the ingredients into a small slow cooker, except the spinach and meat.
2. Add the meat when the porridge starts boiling.
3. 15 minutes before the porridge is ready, add spinach. Stir to mix up all the ingredients. Continue the cooking.
4. Off the power and leave it cool for a while.
5. You can either remove the meat from the porridge before feeding, or retain 1 or 2 pieces of the meat and puree the porridge before feeding.


  1. Wow, super healthy and filling porridge.

  2. The iron in spinach is not easily absorbed. If you can find kale, you can try substituting for spinach. Usually it is suggested that Vit. C will help spinach-iron's absorption but I guess Vit.C is too acidic for bb and toddlers? I am not sure

  3. that looks like a nutrient packed dish for your bb!!

    enjoy your hols!

  4. Hi,

    Can this be porridge be frozen in fridge and heat up when required?
    For how long?
    I love all your recipes sharing!
    Thanks mummy!


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