Once in a while, my mom will make her secret recipe yam cake. I have not learnt this up from her yet. Also, I'm not too sure about the ingredients. But after eating them for so long, I think I managed to guess the ingredients. :P It must be a mix of yam cubes, stir fried dried shrimps, shallots, and all sorts of flour mixture. After the batter is ready, it'll be poured into a baking pan for steaming.

When the steamed yam cake is done, mom will devide the cake into 4 portions. My eldest sis, my 2nd sis, and myself will get 1 quarter each, while mom will keep the balance quarter for herself, dad and also my brother's family. So, 4 of the siblings get the equal portion. Happy ending! Well, that's not the end of the story yet. We don't eat our steamed yam cake just like this. There are few more steps to follow before we can enjoy mom's delicacy...
Hmm...I sense that my mom used to spoil me. :-) I'm the youngest daughter, of course la. Normally, I'm the only one who will "win" her special service. She helps me to cut the yam cake into thin slices and arrange nicely in a food container to bring it home.

What I need to do is to pan fry the yam cake till it's fragrant and crispy. My trusty non-stick pan plays an important role here. So, this is what I get. Serve it with chilli sauce, it's superb!
wow... a simple delicacy. different from the lor bak kou in dimsum outlets?
j2kfm, lor bak kou is using raddish, this one is using yam instead.
wow, looks tempting!
New kid, if you like yam, then you'll love it for sure! :)
Nice yam cake leh....how nice to be pampered :)
Elinluv, *Wink wink*, like you pamper your piggies...right?
Your yam's yummy! I love all things yam: yam ice-cream, yam ko-koke, nin-kuo yam, yam cake (which my mom-in-law bake for me last week in Penang), yam rice, bo bo cha cha (my mom-in-law make a big pot while I was in Penang). Yammy!
Worldwindows, I love bobo cha cha too...My mom will make a very big pot on the 15th day of Chinese New Year. Occasionally, she will cook yam rice too...Wow, I'm so lucky thinking about it...
All the Moms really got a way with secrets right?... especially when it comes to cooking. And that is what makes home-cooking so interesting and delicious.
Tigerfish, yes totally agreed! Still long way for me to stole my mom's secret recipes. Hehe...
New way of eating yam cake huh...
I always have mine in a steam way...
Allie, for steamed version must have lots of spring onion, crispy shallots topping and nice chili sauce, right?
Here's my tiffin carrier. Keep it first. When there's another of those pan fried yam cake.. give me a call.. :P
Criz, u like it ar? Ur phone num ler?
I like to pan fried my yam cake or radish cake and enjoy it with chili oil. Yums...love it especially the crispy part.
Yes, Precious Pea, crispy and fragrant.
Hi, stumbled on your blog at Elin's :) Your Yam Cake caught my eye because I just made Radish Cake. I would like to try your Yam Cake recipe one day. Thanks for sharing! :)
Hi The Little Teochew, thanks for dropping by. I hope you'll like yam cake too. Regret that I don't have the exact measurement of the ingredients.
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